Nandi-Kalenjin Numbers Zero To 20

Kalenjin: Count From Zero To Twenty nambait Nandi-Kalenjin 0 puch 1-10 1 - agenge 2 - oeng

Add "piloit" in Nandi-Kalenjin to your vocabulary. piloit, nom.2 /-pi-loi-t/ Examples of piloit Usa
Kakuuyet Nebo "Master Kg - Jerusalema"

Ikuye "Master KG - Jerusalema". Egu "Jerusalema" tyendo a. Egu kutit Nebo tyendo Zulu. Kakuuyet Ikuy

Add "logoiwek" in Kalenjin to your vocabulary. logoiwek, nom /logoiwek/ Examples of logoiwek Indef
My Body In Kalenjin

Learn vocabulary about the body in Kalenjin. Kalenjin Library Books English: My Body in Kalenjin Fr
Kararan Gaa A

Gaa a... - rip kapchi nyo. Learn new vocabulary from the Kalenjin Dictionary Series 2. A good home

Soman chomyet, kotugul bet. chereret, nom.1.2 /chereret/ Examples of chereret Indefinite article: